Monday, January 14, 2008

The Dark Lord rises,brushes his teeth and goes to work

Meet my friend Khalid Ali Qureshi. This is a picture of him on graduation day. If you are older than 15, then you need not worry. Khalid only feeds on little children. Nah! im just joking, this wasnt taken on graduation day.

As you can tell, Khalid also, is into fantasy art :) so im basically putting my foot in my mouth by featuring him. BUT!! yes there is a but, he likes describing himself as a digital artist. Alright, so that wasnt really a big point-making but, but trust me, im going somewhere with this. Lets not get into the 'computers BAD!! hands good' debate right now, because lets face it, they have made our lives easier. Hell even i use a tablet to draw, and the possibilities of what you can do with your sketch are endless. Being a digital artist dosent mean you are hopeless with a pencil. Its just another means to an end. The next step in evolution I suppose, just like the x-men. I don't know about you, but if it were up to me, i would much rather be a mutant any day of the week. Now these were done in pencil. See what i mean? No matter what medium you are using, if you cant draw you just wont get results! (and you wont be able to draw well if you dont try).

The coolest thing about Khalid's work is that his hand has a direct connection to his brain. If he can think it, he can draw it. Most of his work is about hybrids and with all those wires going around , its no surprise that he prefers going digital. In a way, he lives the theme right from the concept, the medium and the process he uses to make his image. You might want to check out more of his work and his full interview at Designers.

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