Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yes I am aware this is a crappy doodle but you get the point.
I believe Israel's foreign minister issued an official statement on why they attacked the aid flotilla. It went some thing like this:

'Well, they had knives and stuff...and they..um...hurt our soldiers' feelings'

I don't think any action is going to be taken against them nor will the be held accountable for anything. Chances are, it will all be turned around and blamed on Al 'qaida. The bananas and wheel chairs they were carrying received military training in Afghanistan.

God help us.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Show And Tell

Yes, i deserve a slap on the wrist for not updating this blog often enough.
There really has been a lot going on though. I launched my own line of graphic t- shirts and that in itself is worth several blog entries :P
I also joined a painting class. To learn to paint. Oil Painting. And have i learned anything? only reluctantly. I never wanted to join, THEY MADE ME! by they i mean my mother! I guess i should be grateful to her for giving me another thing to blame her for when i recount my life several years from now. The past really does make for interesting stories doesn't it? but i digress. My mother, unlike me, has always loved drawing and painting. As she turned 60 this year, she decided she really ought to learn how to paint properly, hence the painting class. Why me though? Cuz i am the one who drives her around from point A to B *sigh*!

The reason i mention all this is because today is the last day of this dreadful experience and even though i did enjoy it (practically fell in love with palette knives) i dont like the idea of being forced to paint. Yes, i have to finish two paintings before 12 and its 10 am already :S

Maybe tomorrow i will upload some pictures of what i painted and then you can all be besides yourselves with glee :P. This particular entry isnt about my paintings or the t-shirts or the brilliant new haircut i got. Its about the new animation show reel i made and really really want to show off. I made the intro in the aforementioned class (really, anything to avoid a brush and that tedious stroke making *blukh*) and used them lovely LOVELY palette knives to animate.

For now i bid you adieu and start painting. My misery ends today. WHEEEEEEEEE! :D

ps i cant seem to attach the video here....just click 'showreel' above or HERE.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My experiment in miniature animation

So i had all these old 8mm negatives lying around. You know, those old charlie chaplin movies and home videos no one watches anymore cuz the 8mm projector is now broken or was sold off to the raddi-paper boy. Anyway, most of them were ruined anyway cuz my mother had decided to put them in the same bag as my father's the paint pigments and 'other junk'. They really were in quite a sad state, so i did what any red blooded pakistani would have done; left them in the sun, thew bleach on them and scratched them with a compass needle. Some where in the middle came in my light box, some markers and a really good hair day :D
I did'nt use the entire roll, just about 150 frames to test it out. The result wasn't all that bad, I'm definitely going to make a longer more thought out version next. So here are a few pictures to walk you through the process and the final result. Enjoy!

i warn you though, it might give you a headache (or an epileptic seizure if you are prone to those)